People have been posting this story on my Facebook a lot, my comments are below the blockquote:
Dead man in mortuary impregnates woman
The Rolling Stones said it best, “You, you make a dead man cum.” A 38 year old female mortuary worker is being held on $250,000 bond after becoming pregnant by one of her clients-a dead man. The alleged crime took place at the Mourning Glory Mortuary just outside of Lexington, Missouri. Police have charged Felicity Marmaduke with desecration of the dead and necrophilia.
A Google search for "Felicity Marmaduke" finds nothing but this article and blogs related to this article, so I'm forced to call this what scholarly jargon would term "bullshit." When you read the rest of the site you get such articles as "Minnesota Vikings confront Brett Favre in shower" which details a story of the Minnesota Vikings holding Favre down in a shower to compare his genitals to those he allegedly sent to Jennifer Sterger. As a Wisconsinite I have a hard time believing I wouldn't have heard this had it actually happened, so our source is satire, something like The Onion News (the primary difference being that The Onion is actually funny).
I do think it's important that this be mentioned, though, because there seems to be an unfortunately high number of people presenting this story as fact when it in fact is not.