Tuesday, September 7, 2010

One of the world's happiest cemeteries...

On Flickr, updated late August, discovered like most everything on this site at BoingBoing...

A Merry Cemetery

At this cemetery in Romania, the dead are memorialized with cheerful oak grave markers painted with happy images of the deceased.  I do have to say... this one's my favorite:

Monday, September 6, 2010

Dying in Space

How do you do it?  I mean, there are millions of ways you could die in space, but what about after?  Apparently the answer is promession.

I think I already posted something about promession... or maybe it's in the log of essays that are set for the future so I have license to be lazy when updating this blog (heh).  But I do remember one thing... it didn't mention outer space.  And that adds to its cool factor several times.

The basic plan:  Have a ceremony, put in a Star Trek-esque death capsule, hang it outside where nitrogen will freeze it solid, vibrate it until it crushes to powder, fold it (!!!), bring back into space capsule, return crispy freeze dried body to relatives.

Death in Space

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Death By Caffeine

I recall finding this a really long time ago... but now that I have a death blog I guess it feels like something I should be spreading out more.

Death By Caffeine

Based on your body weight and a caffeinated product, this will tell you how many servings of that product will kill you... from just the caffeine alone.

My preferred poison is Coke Zero.  It would take 455 cans of Coke Zero to kill me.  One would think, of course, that I would die from fluid or aspartame poisoning before the caffeine got to me at that level.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

A terrifying way to spread ashes.

What are those smoke signals off in the distance?!  Oh, wait, those aren't smoke signals... that's grandpa.

Release Urns from Cremation Solutions

Found this while on the same site looking at the Barack Obama shaped cremation urn.  It's a machine that spreads your ashes in a gigantic puff of dust which I guess looks kind of like smoke from a campfire.

Don't be too upset that I called this "terrifying." Even though it is. I mean, in my world, isn't "terrifying" just another word for "awesome?"

Now all they need is one shaped like a fire-breathing dragon.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The world's creepiest urn.

It's shaped and painted like your deceased loved ones.  Right now their example is shaped like Barack Obama, which is for some reason slightly more terrifying.

Personal Cremation Urns by Cremation Solutions

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Death: Before and After

German photographers Walter Schels and Beate Lakotta took several photographs and interviews of people who were in their last few days of life.  These are some photographs of those people before death and after death.  The difference is so striking... that spark of life is far more than just animation.

Life Before Death, from Guardian.co.uk